Donate to Chamber Music on the Fox
Your gift to Chamber Music on the Fox will go directly towards our world-class programming as well as our education programs. Chamber Music on the Fox is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
It’s easy and secure to donate via Paypal!
Simply click the button below.
To donate by mail:
Make your check payable to “Chamber Music on the Fox” and mail to:
Chamber Music on the Fox
PO Box 1448
Elgin, IL 60121
Chamber Music on the Fox is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donor Levels
- FORTISSIMO – Season Sponsor – Gifts of $3,500 and above
- FORTE – Concert Sponsor – Gifts of $1,500 and above
- MEZZO FORTE – Artist Sponsor – Gifts of $500 and above
- MEZZO PIANO – Distinguished Supporter – Gifts of $250 and above
- PIANO – Friend – Gifts of $50 and above
Thank You to Our Donors!
Your support is vital when it comes to bringing inspiring, engaging, world-class performances to the Fox Valley. A gift of any amount goes a long way! These gifts reflect donations given between March 2024 and March 2025. If you have any questions about becoming a donor, please email us at!
(over $3,500)
S. E. Ainsworth Family
The City of Elgin
OTTO Engineering Charitable Trust
The Palmer Foundation
Mark and Robin Seigle
The Seigle Foundation
Wolko Design Group
(over $1,500)
Tatiana Calhamer
Gwendolyn Gage
Dolores Giesler
Illinois Arts Coucil
Henry and Suzanne Rozycki
Karen Schock
Mezzo Forte
(over $500)
Diane Campbell
Kay Cherry
John Ruby
William and Kathleen Sitzer
Donna Templeton
Mezzo Piano
(over $250)
Patricia Harkin
Leslie Wolko
(over $50)
Robert Acker and
Alison Bleick
Jay Busse
Christine Donegan
Susan Falbo
Jennifer Ford
Mark Fry
Paul Grzemski
Laura Hamm
James Hinton
Elizabeth Hoeft
Nancy Kawasaki
Linda Knight
Donna Lake
Michelle Machowicz
Dolonna Mecum
Jorge Morfin
Barbara Njus
Julie Rae
Carol Rauschenberger
David and Jocelyn Roeder
John Rosenkrans
Elizabeth Rupp
Valerie Swan
Thank you to the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley for granting Chamber Music on the Fox the funding to purchase professional quality music stands and stand lights for our performances!